Youth Day of Service (YDoS) 2024 applications

The Youth Day of Service (YDoS) is a Pan-African youth-led social impact campaign that seeks to accelerate, reward, and recognize the contributions of young people towards the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa through capacity-building, funding, and project action amplification support.

YDoS is a -month long campaign celebrated alongside the UN International Youth Day. It is designed to ignite the agency and creativity of young people across Africa towards sustainable development and promote a culture of communal support and community development.

Join us in making an impact in your community and in Africa!

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdif_QoYhEIif36MwOboAIKfVz6ofD1lULU114wRxIOZheslw/viewform?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABprne5m873e3WYHY6LiJlNZah6dD5oBEkIUwKAWcm2lqB843bcycK8lA_lA_aem_MGOGjDtJVlhhvNW7wNKEsg&pli=1

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