Postgraduate Scholarship at the University of Cambridge

Applications for entry in the academic year 2025-26 open on 4 September 2024.

Gates Cambridge manages two selection rounds each year; full details are below.

If after reading the details below you are not sure in which round you should apply please email with details.

Whether or not you are eligible for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you may be eligible for other funding offered by the University of Cambridge. See for more details.

  1. US citizens resident in the USA
  2. All other eligible applicants

US citizens resident in the USA

This is the earlier round for applicants who are both US citizens and currently resident in the United States; it is specific to Gates Cambridge.  Students meeting these criteria must apply by 16 October and submit all their documents by this date (including references), they are not eligible for the later round.  US citizens who are studying/working overseas at the time of application should apply in the later round (see below).

What stage?Date
Applications open*Wednesday 4 September 2024
Application deadlineWednesday 16 October 2024 (Time 12:00, noon in local US time zone)
Departmental rankingMonday 21 October 2024 to Thursday 21 November 2024
All applicants notified of application outcomeby Wednesday 11 December 2024
Review and selection by panelsFriday 24 January and Saturday 25 January 2025
Scholarships offeredby Monday 3 February 2025
Scholarships accepted72 hours after offer


All other eligible applicants

The large majority of applicants will apply in this round, which is aligned with the University’s postgraduate funding competition. There are two possible application deadlines and these are based on the course to which you are applying.  Please apply by the Course Funding Deadline referenced in the University Course Directory (found in the column on the right of the web page).  All application documents should be submitted by 23:59pm (midnight) UK time on the stated date.

What stage?Date
Applications open*Wednesday 4 September 2024
Application deadline*Dependent on your course – either 3 December 2024 or 7 January 2025 (see Course Directory)
Departmental rankingDecember – February
All applicants notified of application outcomeby Wednesday 5 March 2025
Review and selection by panelsMonday 24 March 2025 and Tuesday 25 March 2025 (TBC)
Scholarships offeredby Monday 7 April 2025
Scholarships accepted72 hours after offer

*These dates are set by the University of Cambridge postgraduate admissions office and may be subject to change.  Please refer to the postgraduate admissions web pages for up-to-date details.

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