
Join the Inova Cemig Lab Program 2024: Innovate and Shape the Future of Energy

Join the Inova Cemig Lab Program 2024: Innovate and Shape the Future of Energy

Exciting news—applications are now open for the Inova Cemig Lab Program 2024! If you’re passionate about driving innovation, transforming industries, and contributing to a more sustainable future for Brazil’s energy sector, this program is for you.

What is Inova Cemig Lab?

Inova Cemig Lab is more than just an innovation platform; it’s Cemig’s gateway to fresh ideas and groundbreaking solutions that can tackle the challenges and opportunities facing the electricity sector today.

This is Brazil’s first open innovation platform dedicated exclusively to connecting startups with the development of innovative solutions under the ANEEL RDI program.

Backed by ANEEL, the program addresses some of the most pressing issues in the energy sector, from improving security and digitalization to exploring hydrogen as a clean, renewable energy source.

Apply here: https://inova-lab.cemig.com.br/

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