gender and digital expert at Enabel

Hiring: Enabel is looking for a gender and digital expert to join the D4D Hub Secretariat

The selected candidate will be responsible for gender mainstreaming across different #TeamEurope activities and facilitating the D4D Hub working groups on (1) digital skills and (2) gender and digital rights. 

Enabel is looking for a Gender and Digital Inclusion Expert to join two ongoing projects: the Digital for Girls and Women (D4GW) project and the D4D Hub action. 
The Digital for Development (D4D) Hub is a European Team Europe Initiative (TEI) that serves as a Multi-Stakeholder platform ensuring dialogue and coordination among European Member States (MS), EU Commission, high-tech companies and civil society to promote, implement and boost the European way of human-centric approach to the digital transformation in partner countries.

This Hub was launched in December 2020 by the European Commission, the European Heads of State and the D4D Hub partners (at present, 16 European member states, represented by Development Ministries and the Development agencies). It serves as a strategic platform that fosters digital cooperation based on a human-centric model of digital transformation between “Team Europe” and its partners global countries. 

Enabel is the lead of the Africa branch and two thematic Working Groups (WG): the Digital Rights & Gender WG and the Digital Skills WG.

The intervention aims to capitalize on these experiences to strengthen Enabel’s thematic expertise (at the benefit of future bilateral portfolio’s) as well as to share this expertise with European and international stakeholders through the D4D Hub. 

As a Gender and Digital expert, the expert will have a double hat, joining both the D4WG project team (until end May 2025), as well as the D4D Hub Global Secretariat team, based in Brussels, where they will be responsible for the Digital Rights & Gender WG, as well as the Digital Skills WG. 

At the D4D Hub Global Secretariat, you will also work in liaison with other staff engaged by GIZ,  Expertise France, AECID (Spanish International Cooperation Agency) and AICS (Italian Cooperation and Development Agency). 

Job description

The Digital & Gender Expert will be located half-time at the D4D Hub Secretariat office in Brussels and half-time at Enabel. 

For the implementation of the D4WG (half-time) this person will work under the supervision of the D4WGs coordinator based in Burkina Faso. Within the D4D Hub Global Secretariat you will  work in close collaboration with the Global Coordinator (hired by GIZ), and under the supervision of the Africa branch coordinator (hired by Enabel) based in Brussels (half-time).  Also ensuring interactions with colleagues in charge of the other D4D Hub WGs and Advisory Groups.

This is an exciting position for a driven and dynamic expert to help us shape a more inclusive digital future.

Apply now in the link below

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