PBES Youth Workshop for young global changemakers Programme

The IPBES youth workshop 2024 will be an in-person meeting and be held back-to-back with IPBES 11 in Windhoek, Namibia on 6 to 9 December 2024

The youth workshop will bring together 25 participants, including five participants from each of the UN regions (Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Western Europe and others). 

An open call for nominations of participants, including selection criteria, will be issued. Selection of participants will be conducted by the capacity-building task force management committee. Support for participation in the youth workshop will be provided to all 25 selected candidates. 

Selection criteria for participants:

  • Be between 18-30 years of age;
  • Be actively engaged in relevant work on biodiversity and ecosystem services, including in work relevant to the three ongoing IPBES assessments (nexus, transformative change, business and biodiversity, monitoring and spatial planning and connectivity assessments);
  • Be nominated by a government or an organization/network with a letter of recommendation in support of the nomination;
  • Be committed to participate in person in the youth workshop.  Participants are expected to actively contribute to the workshop and to report on its outcome and on the work of IPBES to their home institutions and other relevant organizations. Participants are also encouraged to initiate capacity-building activities for youth;
  • Have very good speaking, reading and writing skills in English as the workshop will be held in English; and 
  • Have demonstrated ability to respectfully interact with people from other disciplines and work effectively and efficiently in a multicultural team.

Apply here: https://www.ipbes.net/ipbes-youth-workshop-2024

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