DAAD STEM 2025 Study Scholarships for Developing and Emerging Countries.

Application deadline

Application deadlines are updated annually in the second quarter. In most cases, they are in the same period as the previous year. You can find the current dates here:

Selection presumably in January/February 2025, start of scholarship from October 2025.

Application documents

Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. The DAAD reserves the right to request certified copies of the documents.
Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:

  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
  • letter of motivation, 1 – 3 pages: statement about the academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany. Please also read our important information for scholarship applicants / Section B, Point 1. Upload the letter of motivation under ‘study project/motivation’ in the DAAD portal.
  • Letter of admission to the study programme at the host university in Germany. If you have not yet received notification of admission at the time of application, you must submit this before the funding period begins.
  • Form ‘Information about your preferred master programmes’, duly completed (you can enter up to 5 Master‘s programmes). Please note that the DAAD does not consider and formally excludes Master’s programmes that charge tuition fees. Upload the form under ‘course profile’ in the DAAD portal.
  • Current overview of grades/ transcript of records with individual grades (to be uploaded under ‘transcript of records/academic achievements’ in the DAAD portal)
  • All university degree certificates already obtained, indicating final grade(s) and transcripts with individual grades for all academic years; if you do not yet have your degree certificate, you must submit it prior to the start of the scholarship at the latest. In this case, upload a provisional doc-ument to the portal instead. Please upload your certificate(s) or the preliminary document under ‘university degree certificates’ in the DAAD portal.
  • Certificate of language(s) of instruction of the chosen study programme (should be no older than 2 years), at least level B1. Please refer to ‘Application requirements’ to find out which certifi-cates can generally be submitted. Depending on the country, specific documents may be required, which are listed below, if applicable. Please submit certificates via the DAAD portal under ‘language certificate’, even if the university does not require proof of language skills.
  • One recent, supporting letter of recommendation (on a DAAD-form) from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications. Please regard the instructions given on the tab ‘Submitting an application’.
  • Passport/national identity card and personal data page of the passport/national identity card and, if applicable, other documents containing information about your identity and your current residence status. For refugees: Refugee ID card and UNHCR registration/official proof of asylum. Please upload in the portal under ‘miscellaneous’.
  • Other documents you think might be of relevance to your application (e.g. certificates of employment, proof of extracurricular engagement)

If you submit documents in your national language, please include German or English translations.

The application is made online through the DAAD portal.
Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.

Apply here:

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