Apply Now: Jobs with the UN bodies on Human Rights

Apply Now: Curated List of UN Organizations committed to advancing human rights regionally and globally

Seeking a role or organizations committed to advancing Human Rights regionally and globally? Dive into a curated list of ORGs from the following:

✨UN Organizations
✨Regional Bodies on Human Rights
✨Major International NGO on Human Rights:
✨Special Status Based on Geneva Conventions

United Nations Human Rights
⚖️ ICC (International Criminal Court)
⚖️ ICJ (International Court of Justice (ICJ))
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
IOM – UN Migration
International Labour Organization
UNRWA (Palestine Refugee)
UN Women
World Food Programme — World Food Programme
️ GANHRI (Global Alliance Of National Human Rights Institutions)
List of 90 UN Organizations and Application:

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)
European Court of Human Rights
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
asean intergovernmental commission on human rights
Asian Legal Resource Centre / Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Arab Human Rights Committee

️ Amnesty International
FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights
️ Human Rights Watch
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
️ Human Rights First
️ Civil Rights Defenders
Human Rights Without Frontiers International
⚕️ Physicians for Human Rights
Anti-Slavery International
UN Watch
️Front Line Defenders
Human Rights House Foundation
Open Society Foundations
Survival International
International Service for Human Rights
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
Center for Economic and Social Rights
Minority Rights Group International
️ The Advocates for Human Rights
Humanity in Action
️ Protection International
International Society for Human Rights
️‍ Human Rights Campaign
️ The Carter Center
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – IFRC
International Committee of the Red Cross – ICRC

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