Call For Applications: 1st Cohort of the Network of African Youth in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (WiseYouth Network)

To promote the important role of youth for peacemaking efforts on the African continent, with focused and strategic engagement of youth in preventive diplomacy, mediation and dialogue across the Continent, the fourth cohort of the Panel of the Wise proposed the establishment of a Network of African Youth in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (WiseYouth), which was endorsed by the 35th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government in February 2022 through decision (Assembly/AU/Dec.815(XXXV).

The WiseYouth Network, as a subsidiary mechanism to the Panel of the Wise, under the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), contributes to strengthening the role of youth in conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue efforts, and provides a platform for strategic advocacy, capacity building and networking, while striving to actualize the commitment for youth inclusion in peace-making in Africa.

It operates on three interrelated pillars: capacity building, advocacy, and deployment, and focuses on the following priorities:

   i. Strengthen the technical capacities of youth in conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue processes;
  ii. Roster youth with thematic expertise on issues related to conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue, and advocate for their meaningful participation in peace processes; and
  iii. Create opportunities for their meaningful engagement and deployment in mediation and dialogue interventions across the continent.


Members of the WiseYouth Network, shall amongst others, be engaged in the following key activities:

  • Advocacy for increased participation of youth as leaders, partners, implementers and beneficiaries of preventive diplomacy, mediation, and dialogue efforts;
  • Enhance the capacities (including training, mentorships/fellowship, and peer-learning) of members to facilitate operational readiness for deployment in preventive diplomacy, mediation, and dialogue interventions;
  • Undertake regular engagements and interactions with policy makers on strengthening and mainstreaming youth participation in preventive diplomacy, mediation and dialogue processes;
  • Facilitate experience sharing and documentation of best practices, challenges encountered, innovations and achievements of youth in preventive diplomacy, mediation and dialogue;
  • Organize community-level conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue, reconciliation, social cohesion, and trust-building activities to address threats to peace, security and stability;
  • Create linkages to youth mediator networks nationally, regionally and globally; and
  • Any other actions and activities as may be determined by the Network.


The WiseYouth Network, while maintaining gender parity, is expected to comprise of twenty (20) members, with four members (two male and two female) from each of the five regions, with the specific expertise in thematic areas related to preventive diplomacy, mediation and dialogue. The selected WiseYouth members will also work closely with the AU Youth Envoy and the African Youth Ambassadors for Peace (AYAPs), to ensure coordination and complementarity of efforts.


Application is open to all African Youth with demonstrated and documented experience in conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue at all levels. Applications from eligible youth, including young women, displaced persons and persons with disabilities who meet the following criteria are particularly encouraged:

  • Identity: Youth of African Citizenship living in Africa;
  • Academic Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree is required;
  • General Experience: Demonstrable results or credible proof of three (3) years’ experience in conflict prevention, mediation and dialogue is required, based on 2 -3 examples of concrete actions taken in the promotion of peace processes or facilitating multi-stakeholders dialogue;
  • Language: Working proficiency in a minimum of one official AU language (English, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Swahili, Spanish);
  • Age: Between 18 and 35 for the entire duration of their tenure;
  • Availability: be willing to undertake deployment and participate in various activities on behalf of the Network upon request;


The tenure of each cohort of WiseYouth will be for a period of three (3) years, non-renewable, to allow an opportunity for other young people with requisite expertise to aspire and serve in the Network.


Membership of WiseYouth is not a paid role. Benefits of being a member of the WiseYouth network will include:

    i. Be part of a Network of Young peacebuilders on the continent engaged in conflict prevention, mediation, dialogue and other peace processes at all levels;

      ii.  Access to global networks of youth engaged broadly in Youth, Peace and Security, that will be partnered with the Network;

      iii. Eligibility for advanced and thematic trainings, development opportunities,

     iv. Eligibility for deployment opportunities to AU-led and supported preventive diplomacy, mediation, dialogue and other peace processes;

      v. Participation in activities on behalf of the Network;

   vi. Mentorship and peer-coaching from highly experienced top conflict prevention and mediation practitioners on the continent, including members of the Panel of the Wise (and its subsidiary mechanisms, PanWise and FemWise-Africa).


Qualified candidates should submit their applications through the following link, on or before 14 June 2024:

A complete application will comprise the submission of the following documents:

  • An abridged professional CV,
  • A minimum of two references;
  • A covering letter and;
  • A biography not exceeding 700 words 

Apply now below:


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