Open call: First International Writing Workshop on Barriers to Climate Governance in Cities 2024

Open call: First International Writing Workshop on Barriers to Climate Governance in Cities 2024

UIC Barcelona International University of Catalonia, through the Urban Resilience research Network (URnet) and the new Barcelona Urban Resilience LAB (URLab BCN), is launching a series of workshops to explore and co-write perspective papers on governance barriers and enablers for urban climate governance. 

Ultimately, these 3 workshops (October – Feb – April, exploring respectively the barriers to Carbon Neutrality, to Community Resilience and finally exploring how to maximize co-benefits within climate policies) will prepare the ground for the “Just and Resilient Carbon-Neutral Cities” International Conference – we’re scheduling it for November 2025 in Barcelona (more soon in a month or so).

Herewith I’m inviting you to apply for coming to BCN – 28th and 29th of October 2024 – to attend the first Writing Workshop on “Barriers and Enablers for Urban Climate Governance: What is Hampering the Transition Toward Carbon-Neutrality in European Cities?”

In this first workshop, we will be engaging in thematic discussions, brainstorming, and writing sessions with the main following objectives:

Use system thinking tools and methods to explore together the main barriers and enablers toward carbon neutrality. 

Co-write a multi-disciplinary perspective paper on governance barriers to carbon neutrality.

Learn how to participate in the Special Issue “Barriers and Enablers to Mainstreaming Climate Governance in Cities and Regions”, hosted by Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, (call for papers is to be released soon these next weeks).

We are welcoming academics of all types, from PhD students and early post-docs to senior scientists, and select 20 participants. 

We would also appreciate if you can share this invitation with anyone who might be interested in participating.

You can find all the details about the workshop (i.e. a cost of 300E but also 15 fellowships to cover this fee) and how to register here.


For any further questions you may have, please contact edeshayes@uic.es

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