Children and Youth Pavilion at COP29 – Expression of Interest to join the Steering Committee

There will be a Children and Youth Pavilion at COP29 in the Blue Zone in Baku, Azerbaijan, entirely led by the youth. Following the successful examples of COP27 and COP28, this year’s pavilion will provide a convening place of talks, education, creativity, policy briefings, rest and relaxation, bringing together the voices of young people across the world, to engage in the global policy making process.

Learn more about the previous Children and Youth Pavilions from our website – https://www.childrenandyouthpavilion.info/


After the great success of the first two pavilions, we have the pleasure to continue the momentum and prepare for a COP29 Children and Youth Pavilion. In the spirit of youth inclusion and unity, we are sharing this call to invite youth organisations to apply to join us in the Pavilion Steering Committee for this year’s Pavilion. 

Being a member of the Steering Committee is a role that holds great responsibility, yet is highly rewarding. It involves guiding the curation of the Pavilion by overseeing and participating in the Working Groups, making decisions by consensus and collaborating with numerous partners – notably via weekly calls and regular email communication. (Kindly note that Working Groups may be opened to individuals beyond the Steering Committee – applications for this will open separately at a later date)

Please read the Steering Committee – Scope of Work for more information.

Deadline for submission of interest is Sunday 18th August, 11:59pm GMT

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccsir0fWLnnYDO3wKG_IXa7fXptqNF_60Jc0yT6Y_Y4yde4w/viewform

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