
Call for Expressions of Interest: GYBN Delegation to COP16

The Global Youth Biodiversity Network is bringing the youth voices to COP16. We are planning to to organize an international youth delegation to join COP16 in Cali, Colombia from October 18 to November 2nd, 2024.

Our primary goal is to provide young people from a wide variety of backgrounds, that are working on Biodiversity issues and that are between 18 and 35 years old, an opportunity to speak up for biodiversity and rights-based approaches at COP16. By enabling them to play an active role in the discussion of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM GBF), we are aiming to build capacity among young people so that they can become strong partners in the implementation of the new biodiversity plan. 

GYBN Accreditation Process

Candidates being considered for GYBN accreditation must demonstrate outstanding commitment to Biodiversity issues and must possess at least a basic understanding of international negotiations. Before COP16, all participants part of the international youth delegation will take part in a preparatory process where they will have the chance to network with other youth delegates, share information and experiences, improve their campaigning and lobbying skills as well as their knowledge regarding Biodiversity issues and the CBD process with a particular focus on the procedures and issues around the KM GBF and NBSAPs. 

Please note: You will receive a ‘Youth’ badge to be a part of the Youth Delegation which will be coordinated by GYBN.

Youth Registration Process

If you are a young person (18-35 years old) that will attend CBD COP16 and/or SBI5 but will be accredited by other organization, please fill out this form too so that we can reach you to invite you to the different activities that GYBN is planning for the SBI-5 and COP16 dates.

Funding opportunities

Please express your interest in this form of you wish to be considered for funding for COP16. Please be aware that your participation in this project is subject to the availability of funds. Further since we do not know how many youth delegates can be funded, all applications will be reviewed by a jury and applicants will then be ranked according to the score for final decisions.

Important dates 

  • SBI-5 – October 16 – 18, 2024
  • Preparatory Dates (COP16 Youth Forum) – October 19 – 20, 2024
  • COP16 Dates – October 21 – November 1, 2024
  • Post-COP Youth meetings: – November 2, 2024

Place: Cali, Colombia

Deadline for Accreditation applications: September 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM UTC

(be aware that time for accreditation can take 2-3 weeks due to workload)

Documents required:
– Application form

– Digital copy of Passport

Important: The title of your document should be 

Check all requirements to enter Colombia here

Note: (1) Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Applications must be submitted in English, applications submitted in another language will not be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScV8RlNI8JmiZcl6ILAPb83-Muo0eZX7m1DSWt5SoTv0NilJQ/viewform

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