Apply Now: Summit of the Future 2024 (New York, USA)


Background information

The Summit of the Future Action Days will take place on 20 and 21 September and will focus on multistakeholder partnership and action, in keeping with the vision of multilateralism that is more inclusive and networked, and thus effective. The Action Days will bring together actors from civil society, private sector, academia, local and regional authorities, creative communities, youth, and many more. The purpose is to generate additional actions and commitments from all actors, to inspire and amplify relevant initiatives, and to increase the chances that the Summit produces sustained momentum on key issues. Special focus will be given to three priority themes on 21 September and for each of these priority themes co-leads have been assigned to organize sessions during the Action Days.

In addition, the Action Days will launch a new mode of engagement with youth – to elevate their voices and drive meaningful engagement in the issues that affect them, their futures and future generations of youth through a dedicated half-day of programming on Friday 20 September led by the UN Youth Office.

For more information about the Summit of the Future Action Days, please visit here.  

Youth Action Day Vision and Objectives

In line with the priorities of the United Nations and the language proposals in the Pact for the Future (especially Chapter 4 on Youth & Future Generations), the overarching vision of the half-day of programming dedicated to youth (20 September, Friday) will be to strengthen meaningful youth engagement in policy making and decision-making processes through intergenerational solidarity and dialogue. The Youth Day is being organized in collaboration with various UN entities, youth constituencies and other partners. The coordination is led by the UN Youth Office, in partnership with Major Group for Children and Youth, Stakeholder Group for Ageing Co Chair – Help Age International, Population Council GIRL Center, and Women Deliver.

Complementary to the topics on the second action day (21 September, Saturday), the goal of the session is to advance concrete actions on cross-cutting priorities – such as diversity, inclusion, and accountability – highlighted by young people throughout the last few years, including at the ECOSOC Youth Forum, the UN Civil Society Conference and youth preparatory processes in lead-up to the Summit of the Future.

Funded participation

Funded participation for upto 10 young people is available through support from the UN Youth Office. MGCY is actively working on more fundraising and any future funding opportunities will be shared in the future.

Per the UN, this funding is provided for young people between the age of 18-35.

Selection of eligible young persons will be made by the Coordination Group of the Youth Action Day that includes representation from the UN Youth Office, Major Group for Children and Youth, Stakeholder Group for Ageing Co Chair – Help Age International, Population Council GIRL Center and Women Deliver. Selection will consider gender balance, geographical representation and other under-represented youth.

Before applying, please make sure you review the applications’ guidance that can be found here.

Please complete this form by Wednesday 10 July by midnight ET.

Join the Youth Working/Focus Group 
To further enhance the participation of youth, and to provide a universal space for all interested youth organizations and youth advocates to contribute, engage and co-design the youth engagement for Summit of the Future, the youth constituency has been working through a dedicated Working/Focus Group specific for the process, called the Summit of the Future Youth Working/Focus Group. We invite you join through the link here.

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