Apply Now: Creat Green  Africa Scholarship 

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Creat Green  Africa Scholarship 

Here is a scholarship call from the EU Funded CREATE GreenAfrica Project that will be useful to our African young scholars working on Climate Change Resilience building and Low Carbon Transition or Mitigation of Climate Change in a Consortium of 6 African Universities.

 Deadline is 6th September, 2024

The Climate Research and Education to Advancing Green Development in Africa (CREATE-GreenAfrica) project has launched a call with the aim of providing mobility for students within African countries. The students who will be awarded scholarships will study in one of the member countries outside their domicile countries. CREATE-GreenAfrica project is a partnership between the European Union and seven higher learning institution, which includes the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM, Tanzania) as the coordinating institution, Mekelle University (MU, Ethiopia), Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU, Zimbabwe), University of Free State (UFS, South Africa), University of Ghana (UG, Ghana), University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT, Nigeria) and a European Technical Partner, University of Southern Denmark (SDU, Denmark). CREATE-GreenAfrica project aims to increase climate-oriented skills and qualifications across the African continent through mobility and experience sharing. Through this call for scholarship, the project is hereby offering 6 full time PhD, 6 short term PhD, 6 full MSc and 6 short term MSc to one of the six African countries higher learning institutions.

Call for scholarship application is available at

Application form is available at

For more information, please visit

Please kindly circulate this call widely in your network widely to reach the potential beneficiaries before the deadline.

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