IPA’s Peace and Recovery Initiative (P&R) eighth Call for Proposals. 2024

IPA’s Peace and Recovery Initiative (P&R) is pleased to announce our eighth Call for Proposals. 2024

P&R is generously supported by UK International Development and generates new evidence on reducing violence and fragility, promoting peace, and preventing, managing, and recovering from crises.

We welcome proposals for full impact evaluations, pilot studies, exploratory work, infrastructure and public goods creation, and evidence use & policy outreach support across several broad areas including:

Understanding and preventing individual-level participation in violence
Understanding, combating, and reintegrating armed groups
Addressing prejudice and building horizontal social cohesion
Strengthening household and community resilience
Building institutions, resolving disputes, and delivering justice
Addressing root causes and preventing future crises
Proposals are due November 22, 2024. Awards will be announced in February 2025.
Call for Proposals
Application Instructions
Funded Projects
Please sign up here for an information session providing an overview of P&R’s thematic scope, the type of projects eligible for funding, our evaluation criteria, as well as common proposal pitfalls and tips to avoid these.

We look forward to receiving your proposals. If you would like to discuss your research ideas beforehand, or would like to be introduced to an IPA Country Office, please feel free to reach out to

The Peace & Recovery Initiative Team

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