FCMB 2024 AgriTech Hackathon and Venture Building Programme (23 Million Naira Prize)

The 2024 AgriTech Hackathon and Venture Building Program supported by FMO is designed to search out, identify, and groom early-stage businesses across Africa. The FCMB Agritech Hackathon and venture building program is an initiative to foster and accelerate the growth of the agricultural sector through support to agritech companies in solving industry challenges. The program consists of a hackathon, where participants will be supported to develop their ideas/solutions, and a venture building program, where selected teams will receive funding, mentorship and support to build and scale their solutions. The program is supported by FMO and implemented by Heave Ventures.

The format of this 6-month program involves a 3-month Hackathon and prize-giving day, 6 weeks of Venture Building sprints, and an Investor Day program with a Documentary premiere. These are designed to provide high-impact innovative AgriTech startups with the relevant business and product development tools required to groom their solutions to Agricultural challenges in society and attract follow-on investments.

Deadline: 05/09/2024

Apply here:

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