Apply now: COP29 Cross-Border Energy Transition Reporting Fellowship

Journalists selected to participate in the COP29 Cross-Border Energy Transition Reporting Fellowship will have an opportunity to focus their attention on energy transition issues and the green workforce, while collaborating, reporting, and learning with other journalists in a multi-national cohort.

The cohort will participate in virtual meetings and trainings in the six weeks prior to COP29 and then travel to Baku to report from November 14-24.  Additional reporting will be completed in each fellows’ home countries after the COP.  While in Baku, the fellowship organisers will facilitate collaboration and connection across the newsroom and create opportunities for source development, high level interviews, information-gathering, and networking with other journalists and COP delegates.  Stories will be published in each journalists’ outlet, with possible republication by Clean Energy Wire. 

Eligibility: This fellowship is open to journalists globally with a track record of reporting on climate and energy issues. This opportunity is open to both freelance and staff journalists.

You can apply until 12 August, 23.59 CET.

Apply here: https://www.cleanenergywire.org/fellowship/cop29-cross-border-energy-transition-reporting-fellowship

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