Apply Now: III OIC Youth Scientific Congress

The III OIC Youth Scientific Congress 
will bring together 100 participants from OIC Member and Observer states, providing conditions for the sustainable development of international scientific cooperation.Academy of Youth Diplomacy is inviting young scientists, researchers, students and innovators from OIC member and observer states to take part in the Congress with the scientific thesis in one of 5 tracks:• Current Challenges in Biomedicine and Biotechnology;• Petroleum Geology Oil and Gas Technologies;• International Relations and International Law: Global Framework for Sustainable Development;• Modern Educational Technologies and Approaches: Interdisciplinary Research and Practice;• Urban Studies: Architecture, Design, Art.The result of the Congress will be the published collection of the finalists’ scientific theses. Location: Kazan/Tatarstan (Russian Federation) Dates: 6-9 November 2024Application Deadline: 1 August 2024
APPLYLearn more – http://youthdiplomacy.ru/en

6-9 NOVEMBER, 2024

Agenda of Congress-2024:
Achieving Sustainable Well-Being in Context of Global Challenges

Please follow the author guidelines
Application Deadline: 1 August 2024

Apply directly here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScB-yoXk-RD9f3IwFomc-ILgdBdRim9P4vnHNLH4FiaiFhGAA/viewform

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