Apply Now: Climate Arena Fellowship (Fully funded to Italy)

FULLY FUNDED TO ITALY : Check out the Climate Arena Fellowship

For anyone who are keen to work in a team environment and have a concept for an investigative, cross-border climate story, they have an all-expense paid Climate Arena Fellowship. Your project concept may involve data analysis, investigation, or both.

The goal of Climate Arena is to unite individuals and groups who require assistance from Arena for Journalism in Europe in order to collaborate internationally on a climate-related subject. (That assistance may involve locating individuals who are looking for a mate.)

For anyone who are keen to work in a team environment and have a concept for an investigative, cross-border climate story, they have an all-expense paid Climate Arena Fellowship. Your project concept may involve data analysis, investigation, or both.

Should your narrative proposal be chosen, you will receive an invitation to visit the Climate Arena conference in Bologna, where you will be required to pay for attendance at the conference on October 18 and 19, 2024, as well as attend a full-day workshop on October 17, 2024.

Don’t miss out on the application deadline which is 25 June 2024.

More details and how to apply


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