Apply Now: Call for proposalsExternal Partners for the Intel Community Reach Program

Intel is making a call for proposals for projects that can enable population in underserved areas (and or communities) in the member states of the African Union to have access to education including in STEM, healthcare, agriculture, environmental services, fintech solutions, or digital skills readiness; for financial, social and tech equity; using or planning to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or broadband connectivity . You will have the opportunity to get our technical, consultancy and financial support for your respective project.

Organizations, enterprises, startups, SMEs and institutions that are working towards alleviating social challenges using AI and/or broadband connectivity, to unlock Africa’s enormous digital landscape are welcome to apply. Women tech entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply.

Your submission (that will be done using the link provided in Section B below) should be accompanied by your business plan, a sustainability plan, and an assessment of social impact. The focus should be on describing what potential funding models can be used or are used to ensure a continuation of your project. Please also provide other relevant information.

All submissions will undergo a review process to determine eligibility for current and future opportunities in accordance with the terms and conditions below. You may withdraw your submission at any time by notifying Intel. Incomplete forms with missing attachments will not be considered. Completion and/or submission of the application form is strictly voluntarily by the interested applicants.

Completion and/or submission of the form does not suggest or infer a successful conclusion i.e., receipt of investment, grant, in-kind or any other support from Intel.

A. Terms and Conditions

These rules including the www.intel.com Privacy Notice and Terms of Use (the Rules) govern the call for proposals described above and set out the terms and conditions between Intel Corporation and its affiliates (“Intel” or “us/we”) and each applicant (“applicant” or “you”). A submission of the proposal constitutes your acceptance of these Rules.

1. Intel is offering support to the projects in education including in STEM, healthcare, agriculture, environmental services, fintech, or digital skills readiness; for financial, social and tech equity in underserved areas using or planning to use AI and/or broadband connectivity; and will provide such support based on the results of judging all valid applications against the criteria established in these Rules. Submit your application between 8 April 2024 , 08:00 AM GMT and 31 May 2024 , 17:00 PM GMT. (“application period”). During the application period submit your entry by using the link provided in Section B below.

2. Eligibility
• Project must be in one of the member states of the African Union.
• Project must be present in underserved areas (rural, sub-urban, and urban communities) serving vulnerable populations.
• Project must be tackling social challenges in the area of education including STEM, healthcare, environmental services, agriculture, fintech solutions, and digital skills readiness.
• Project must be enabled or planned to be enabled by AI and /or broadband connectivity.
• The legal entity working on the project (Organizations, enterprises, Startups, SMMEs and institutions) must be registered in the country or in one of the countries where the Project is performed.
• Project can be either local, national, or transnational in the African Union countries.

The call for proposals is open to residents of the member states of the African Union. All national and local laws and regulations of the applicant’s country of residence apply. Residents of countries under U.S. embargo are not eligible to enter. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Employees, officers, and representatives (and members of their immediate families and those living in the same household of each) of Intel Corporation, its parents, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, advertising and promotion agencies and any company involved in the design, execution, production or judging of this the Call for Proposals are ineligible. Void where prohibited.

3. Application Requirements: All entries must be in English.

4. Judging
Submissions will be judged by 8 July 2024. Intel will evaluate all eligible submissions on the following criteria: Project Design, Project Socio-Economic Impact, Financial Sustainability and Feasibility. Communication with shortlisted applicants for the first round and call for submissions for the second and final round will take place by 15 July 2024. The deadline for submission for the second and final round is set for 15 August 2024. The list of the finalists after the final round will be communicated by 15 September 2024. The dates mentioned above may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Intel decision is final. You may withdraw your submission at any time by notifying Intel.

5. Ownership and Publicity
Intel does not claim ownership of your application; but by submitting an entry, you are granting Intel and its affiliated companies the following worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, unconditional, fully paid-up rights: (1) to make, have made, use, copy, reproduce, modify, and create derivative works of the contributions, (2) to publicly perform or display, import, broadcast, transmit, distribute (directly and indirectly through multiple tiers), license, offer to sell and sell, rent, lease, or lend copies of the contributions (and derivative works thereof), (3) to sublicense to third parties the foregoing rights, including the right to sublicense to further third parties, and (4) to publish your name or alias in connection with this call for proposal and your contributions.

You understand and agree that your submission may be posted and publicly viewable. By providing a submission, you grant Intel and its affiliated companies the right, except where prohibited by law, to use your name for promotional purposes in promoting or publicizing the call for proposal. Intel, however, does not have any obligation to use the application for any purpose.

6. Your Warrants
By submitting an entry, you warrant that your submission:
• does not contain any content that infringes on any third-party intellectual Property (IP) rights, and that you own or otherwise have all rights necessary for the submission including any and all IP rights
• does not disclose any information which would constitute a violation of a confidentiality obligation;
• does not contain any viruses, worms, spy ware, or other components or instructions that are malicious, deceptive, or designed to limit or harm the functionality of a computer; and
• is not subject to license terms that require any software or documentation incorporating or being derived from your contributions to be licensed to others.

7. Technical and other support by Intel to your project
Support will be offered based on the judging. Support may consist of technical, consultancy and financial support. You will be notified via email within 30 days from judging. If after seven (7) days of the second notification to acknowledgement or response is received the support may be forfeited.

Substitution or transfer of the support offered by Intel is not allowed and may not be redeemed for cash. You accept responsibility for all federal, state, and local taxes and fees in connection with the project and receiving support from Intel. Intel is not responsible for applications not received due to lost, failed, delayed, or interrupted connections or miscommunications, or other electronic malfunctions. Intel is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry information, whether caused by you or any other persons or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the application process.


Intel is committed to compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and ethics rules. This notice is intended to ensure that your application and the project will not violate any such laws, regulations, policies, or rules. Intel seeks no promises or favouritism in exchange for the opportunity to apply for your project support. By submitting your application (i) you agree that your application – including your acceptance of any support from Intel – will not violate any law, regulation, policy or rule of your country, state or government agency; and (ii) you certify that any potential support from Intel is not in exchange for an agreement to influence a recent, pending or anticipated act or decision that may result in Intel obtaining or retaining business or a business advantage.

8. Intel’s Warranties and Disclaimers
Intel does not provide any warranty on any products provided for the project, and you should look solely to manufacturer for warranty. To the fullest extent allowable by law, Intel specifically disclaims any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the project or the products used in the project including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and implied warranties arising from course of dealing or course of performance.

9. Release of Liability and Issues of Law
By participating, you release Intel, its affiliates, partners, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, employees, and all entities associated with the development and execution of this call for proposals from any and all liability with respect to and in any way arising from participating in this call for proposals, acceptance or use of your project support. You also agree that Intel, its affiliates, partners, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, employees, and all entities associated with the development and execution of this call for proposals are not responsible or liable for any injury or damage to your or third person’s computer related to or resulting from the call for proposals or the submission of application. Intel is not liable for damage to a user’s computer system (including, without limitation, any server failure or lost, delayed, or corrupted data or other malfunction) due, either directly or indirectly, to an entrant’s participation in the call for proposals or downloading of information in connection with the call for proposals. Intel reserves the right to modify or cancel the call for proposals in the event that any portion of any website used to administer any aspect of the call for proposals becomes technically corrupted.

Intel assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries. Intel is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or telephone lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or entry to be received by Intel on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your or any other person’s computer relating to or resulting from participation in this call for proposals or downloading any materials.


By participating in the call for proposals, you waive any and all rights to bring any claim or action related to such matters in any forum beyond one (1) year after the first occurrence of the kind of act, event, condition or omission upon which the claim or action is based.

10. Generally, Intel may make changes to these rules at any time without notice to you. The most current version of the rules will be shared with organizations that have applied via email. Submitting the application to the call for proposals or support from Intel for your project will constitute acceptance of the revised rules. These rules prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials.

If, for reasons beyond Intel’s control (including, but not limited to, tampering or computer virus infection), the call for proposals is not capable of running as originally planned, Intel, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel or modify the call for proposals, without liability. Intel will not be responsible for lost, late, misdirected, damaged, or illicit submissions, or for Internet, computer hardware and software, phone, and other technical errors, omissions malfunctions, and delays. Submissions are void if they contain material typographical or other errors. All applicants agree to comply fully with each provision in these Rules. Any person attempting to defraud or in any way tamper with this call for proposals and any person who does not comply with these Rules, will be ineligible for any support and may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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