February 22, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

UNIDIR women in AI fellowship


Artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly become an omnipresent governance challenge, including within the arena of international security and disarmament. While there is no formal UN process to specifically discuss AI in this context apart from the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems, AI is increasingly becoming a topic of discussion within other UN cybersecurity, disarmament and counter-terrorism processes.

However, a common feature of international security processes is the underrepresentation of women. UNIDIR research shows that, on average, only a third of the diplomats accredited to arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament forums are women. As a result, these forums not only lack equitable participation, they also become susceptible to oversights around the gender-specific impacts of weapons and violence. Our research also highlights that effective capacity-building may be one measure to help rectify this vis-à-vis governance of AI.

To redress gender inequalities and promote inclusive and effective policymaking, UNIDIR is convening the 2025 edition of the Women in AI Fellowship. This is designed as a capacity-building intervention that endows women diplomats with up-to-the-minute knowledge of the policy, legal and technical aspects of AI, including its gendered implications. Women in AI Fellows acquire the knowhow, skills, resources and networks required to engage effectively in multilateral AI discussion in the field of international peace and security.

Link: https://unidir.org/call-for-applications-unidir-women-in-ai-fellowship/

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