February 23, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Apply to the FEMWISE Africa cohort two


The Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise-Africa) was officially established through a decision of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government (AU Summit) on 4 July 2017 (Assembly/AU/Draft/Dec.21 (XXIX)), as a subsidiary mechanism of the Panel of the Wise.

Its creation was preceded by three (3) critical decisions, namely: (i) the 2010 Decision of the Peace and Security Council asking the Panel of the Wise to undertake a study on Women in armed conflicts; (ii) the 2014 Decision of Ministers of Gender calling for the creation of an association of women in mediation; and (iii) the 13 March 2017 Decision of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) to create FemWise-Africa.

II: Mandate

The Network was created with the mandate to strengthen the meaningful role of African women in conflict prevention, mediation and other peace processes at Tracks 1, 2 and 3, within the context of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA). As such, it serves as a critical mechanism of fulfilling the AU’s commitment to implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 Women, Peace and Security Agenda of 2000; the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Right on the Rights of Women in Africa (The Maputo Protocol of 2003); and the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa of 2004.

The Network is operationalized across three (3) main pillars of implementation: Membership, Deployment and Capacity Building, to promote the substantive participation and contributions of women in conflict prevention and mediation processes, through :

Building and strengthening capacities for early warning, conflict prevention, resolution, dialogue and mediation;
Undertaking early warning and conflict prevention initiatives;
Facilitating dialogue, mediation and conflict resolution among parties in conflicts;
Advocacy and support for the implementation of peace agreements;
Identifying and disseminating best practices in conflict prevention and mediation at various levels.
III: Keys activities of the FemWise-Africa Network

To implement the mandate of the Network at continental level, FemWise-Africa members shall be engaged in the following key activities:

Advocate for Women’s active participation in conflict prevention, mediation, dialogues, preventive diplomacy, and other peace processes in Africa;
Provide mentorship, training and peer-learning for women mediators on mediation and conflict prevention and resolution for readiness to short-term and long-term assignments;
Provide expertise to the Panel of the Wise engagements including peace building efforts, shuttle diplomacy engagements, and national dialogue processes;
Participate in High-level engagements on behalf of the Network;
Promote linkages with national, regional, global women mediators networks and agencies engaged in Women, Peace and Security (WPS);
Document best practices, experience sharing, and lessons learned on mediation and conflict prevention, resolution;
Support the establishment and operationalization of regional and national chapters of FemWise-Africa;
Discharge any other activities/engagement that may require members action.
IV: Composition of the Network

Toward enhancing its operations at Tracks 1, 2 and 3, as well as the role of women in peace processes at continental, regional, and national levels, FemWise-Africa has been undertaking a decentralization process aimed at operationalizing the Network at all levels.

At the national level, chapters of the Network are expected to be hosted within relevant national ministries, institutions or peace infrastructures mandated with promoting inclusive peacebuilding, while at the regional level, the Network is hosted within the Regional Economic Communities or Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs). Subsequently, at the national level, the Network has, to date, established four (4) national chapters in Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia and South Sudan; while at the regional level, similar networks have been established in West, Central and Southern Africa by ECOWAS, ECCAS and SADC respectively.

It is premised on the ongoing decentralization process that the 2nd Cohort of Members at the Continental level, are expected to begin their mandate in 2025. The continental network will be hosted at the African Union Commission, with members expected to lead and support AU mediation, dialogue and other peace processes.

V: General criteria for Continental membership

Identity: Woman of African Citizenship living in Africa;
Academic Qualifications: At least a Bachelor’s Degree;
Language: Working proficiency in a minimum of one official AU language (English, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swahili)
Age: 18 and above;
Experience: Demonstrable results or credible proof of Five (5) years of substantive experience in the Design or Facilitation of Mediation, Dialogue and Negotiation Processes, based on 2 – 3 examples of concrete actions taken to promote peace processes in Track I or II;
Additional Experience in one of the following thematic areas (which often intersect with mediation processes) will be an add valued:
Ceasefire Negotiations and Security Arrangements;
Gender and Inclusion;
Governance and Constitution-making;
Climate Change and Natural Resources;
Transitional Justice and Reconciliation;
Any other relevant thematic areas.
Values: Commit and adhere to the FemWise-Africa Code of Conduct;
Availability: be willing to participate in various activities on behalf of the Network upon request;
VI: Application process

Qualified applicants should electronically submit a completed application form through the following link by 20 January 2025:

For more information: https://www.peaceau.org/en/article/call-for-applications-2nd-cohort-of-the-network-of-african-women-in-conflict-prevention-and-mediation-femwise-africa#

Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1KSo1FOZOpwubOsA9Ih8xbkiEyutXvK8wlX36aVPaf7KNDw/viewform

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