Apply for Leading Scholarship Program 2025
For more information, visit One Young World.
Deadline: 7 July 2025
If you are a young leader who is devising meaningful strategies to build a more sustainable world, One Young World is looking to bring you to the next annual Summit. Apply to attend the One Young World Summit 2025 in Munich, Germany from 3 – 6 November via flagship Leading Scholarship.
About the Leading Scholarship
Ensuring that the Summit is accessible to remarkable young leaders from almost every country in the world is pivotal to the mission of One Young World.
Scholarships provide the opportunity for exceptional young people to attend on the merit of their proven leadership and ability to create change in their home country.
The Leading Scholarship is designed specifically to identify and support outstanding young leaders from countries that are often under-represented at global forums and decision-making spaces.
Program Specifications
Tap into a global network of over 18,700 potential collaborators from 196 countries
Gain access to exclusive Ambassador opportunities, such as speaking events, regional networking opportunities and mentoring sessions
The chance to wave your country’s flag at the Opening Ceremony
Gain greater visibility for your work and be heard by world renowned experts and leaders.
Full delegate access to the One Young World Summit in Munich, Germany
Hotel accommodation between 2 and 6 November 2025
Catering which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
The cost of travel to and from Munich. Your flight to and from Munich must depart from and return to one and the same international airport.
Applicant Priorities
Priority will be given to applicants from countries that have been less represented at previous One Young World Summits
Priority will be given to first-time Summit attendees (not One Young World Ambassadors).
Eligibility Criteria
You are eligible for the Leading Scholarship if you:
Are between the ages of 18 – 30
Have an evidenced commitment to delivering positive change
Demonstrate capacity for leadership
Are addressing key local and/or global issues in your work
Have a track record of generating impactful and innovative ideas
Most delegates are between the age of 18 and 30. The One Young World team will consider applications from those who are older than 30, pending demonstration of appropriate personal impact, initiative, and willingness to engage. They are not able to accept applications from those who will be aged under 18 at the time of the Summit.
For more information, visit One Young World. Leading Scholarship 2025 | One Young World
Leading Scholarship 2025 | One Young World