March 10, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Apply for jobs woth PIND foundation

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a non-profit organization that
promotes peace and equitable economic growth in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region through multi-stakeholder
partnerships. Our work is funded with the support of esteemed partners and collaborators, and we
implement collaborative, market-based, community-owned programs to mitigate conflicts and boost
economic opportunities for local businesses. This ensures that economic progress occurs in a systemic,
inclusive, and sustainable manner.
PIND supports projects with various donor partners, including bilateral and multilateral aid agencies,
federal and state government agencies in Nigeria, private companies, and foundations. With an
overarching goal of increasing income and employment in the region, the Foundation has two distinct but
interrelated program areas. They are:
• An Economic development program focused on generating opportunities for pro-poor market
development and employment generation.
• A peacebuilding program that strengthens conflict resolution mechanisms to enable integrated
peace and economic growth.
Four key enablers support these programs:
– The enablers: PIND’s program delivery is enabled by an integrated approach encompassing capacity building,
advocacy, communications, gender, and social inclusion.
About Mastercard Foundation Youth Cassava Agriprenuer Project Y-CAP
The Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works (YAW) strategy in Nigeria aims to lift 10 million young
Nigerians out of poverty by 2030 by providing dignified work. Focusing on agriculture, creatives, and the
digital economy, the strategy aims to drive transformational change in young people’s lives, especially
young women and marginalized groups, through partnerships and funding.
The Cassava Youth Agripreneur Program (Y-CAP) is a four-year (2025-2028) intervention in the Mastercard
Foundation’s agriculture priority sector that contributes to realizing the YAW strategy in Nigeria.

The role will lead the design, implementation, and management of the YCAP program’s M & E systems and
processes. The M&E Officer will ensure the effective monitoring, evaluation, and learning of our programs and
projects and provide evidence-based recommendations for program improvement and decision-making. He/She
will design and establish comprehensive M & E systems, frameworks, and tools to measure program performance
and outcomes. He/She will develop data collection and reporting protocols, ensuring alignment with program
objectives and donor requirements. Implement M & E plans and activities, including baseline studies, data
collection, analysis, and reporting. He/she will collaborate with program teams and the P, M& E Manager to ensure
the integration of M & E frameworks and indicators into program design and implementation.

Interested persons should submit their CVs to on or before the close of business on Tuesday, 28th January 2025.

For more information:

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