opportunities to consider applying
1.Call for Applications – ProVEG Grant 2025 2.Named in honor of the groundbreaking Keeling Curve, the Keeling Curve Prize (KCP) recognizes and supports innovative climate solutions https://www.globalwarmingproject.org/kcp 3.Consultant National Junior analyste des connaissances locales endogènes des communautés de la réserv Clôture des candidatures (minuit heure de Paris) : 20-NOVEMBRE-2024 https://careers.unesco.org/job/Kinshasa-Consultant-National-Junior-analyste-des-connaissances-locales-endog%C3%A8nes-des-communaut%C3%A9s-de-la-r%C3%A9serv/806189602 4.The application for the 2025-2026