February 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Apply to the United Nations volunteers logo competition

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2026 the International Year of Volunteers for Sustainable Development. This milestone offers an opportunity to celebrate volunteers and their contributions on a global stage.

A logo for the International Volunteer Year 2026 (IVY 2026) should reflect what Member States of the United Nations highlight through the General Assembly Resolution A/RES/78/127 — which recognizes volunteerism as a powerful and cross-cutting means to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and encourages support for volunteer action.

How to win
Come up with a logo keeping in mind the following guidelines:

Be creative and design a logo relevant to the message of IVY 2026.
Make sure your logo is easy to reproduce and adaptable to different mediums.
The design should be clear, readable at a distance, and impactful at variable sizes.
A winning logo will be selected by a UNV jury based on the above criteria.

What’s in it for you
The winner will receive a surprise award. Through the public announcement of the winning logo, the winner will further gain international recognition through various UNV platforms and beyond.

How to submit your logo design

Submit your design in letter size format (21.5 cm × 28 cm).
Designs must be 300 dpi and have a maximum size of 10 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff, ai, eps.
Send your logo design to ivy.logo@unv.org with an email that includes: (i) a statement of no more than 100 words explaining how the submitted design interprets IVY 2026; (ii) a written confirmation that the design is original.
By submitting a logo to the competition, you are deemed to have read, understood and be in agreement with all terms and conditions.
All submissions must be received by 12 January 2025, 1:00 PM Central European Time (CET).
In case of questions, please write an email to ivy.logo@unv.org

Link: https://www.unv.org/news/logo-competition-international-volunteer-year-2026-now-open

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