March 11, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Open call – UNCCD Youth Caucus Steering Committee

Open call – UNCCD Youth Caucus Steering Committee

UNCCD Youth Caucus – Global Youth Caucus on Desertification and Land Open Application for 2025/27 Steering Committee

The UNCCD Youth Caucus serves as the official youth constituency to the United Nations Convention on Desertification and Drought (UNCCD). Operationalised at COP14 in 2019 in India, the Youth Caucus serves as the permanent mechanism for the meaningful engagement, participation, and access to decision-making of children and youth in processes and procedures of UNCCD.

This is an open call for the Coordination Team of the UNCCD Youth Caucus. The steering committee also known as the coordination team collectively performs functions of, inter alia, governance, policy coherence, regional and thematic coordination. Those who are part of the Coordination Team/Steering Committee  will have weekly meetings, coordinate activities, strategies and actions to involve children and young people in decision-making processes related desertification, land and drought topics, and will create links with United Nations agencies in order to achieve the empowerment of children and youth in conversations, negotiations and discussions focused on desertification, land and drought. More details about the mandate and role are linked in the background documents section below.
We are calling upon youth movements, organisations and youth advocates interested in environmental governance and conservation to apply and join us!
Deadline: Wednesday 21st March, 2025, 23:00 UTC

You can apply as an individual or a nominee by a UNCCD accredited organisation
Duration of term: April 2025 to End-April 2027

Background documents:

  1. ToR of Regional and Thematic Facilitators
  2. ToR of Partnership Lead
  3. ToR of Impact Partners/ Volunteers
  4. MGCY Processes and Procedures
  5. Website of UNCCD Youth Caucus 
We are also looking for volunteers that can help out with selections. If you are under the age of 35 and not planning to be an applicant, we would be delighted to have your support for joining the selection team. Please write to us on with your name and contact information to volunteer for the selection team.

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